Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Weapon demonstrating...

OK as some of you may know, I have decided to demonstarte the weapons I get in my crafting/ unboxing videos in tr_walkway instead of ingame.
The Reason I did this was because its a lot easier to show how it works and all the stats
I suck when im on camera.
and I dont have to take multiple films.

BUT when i did do this, I got some complaints that some people prefer to watch me demonstate them ingame

SO! Im posting a new poll to ask where you want me to demontarte my videos!

in game

vote! --------------------------------------->

Monday, March 28, 2011

Intro that i might never use

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Winner: Portal

Yes thats right Portal won the vote (big suprise) and theres the new backround. The first video is up and running and you can view it here:

Friday, March 11, 2011

Its over

Well Half life 2 is basically over now, just gotta do the bonus episodes, but i want you guys to vote on what the next LP should be Portal or Half Lfie 2 episode 1

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Advisable sightings

Ok then so, first off, Fraps is working again and episode 35 of HL2 will be up later today, hopefully this wont happen again, and if it does well then, someones gonna show up dead in a drak alley.
In other news you might have noticed a change to one of the Hl2 videos, im not gonna give away much but its just a little something im gonna be doing for the rest of half life series, and im not telling what video it is... *cough* episode...2 *cough* but its not like its not that easy to figure out anyway.
